
American studio known primarily for Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online, and the Asheron’s Call franchise.

The Stream Team: Frolicking in DDO’s Feywild with partying satyrs

As much as Massively OP's MJ like the quests and atmosphere in DDO's Ravenloft, she's ready to dispel the gloom. And what better way...

Dungeons and Dragons Online is granting you the free expansion of your choice for the Year of the Dragon

This is too good for a long lead-up, so we'll cut to the chase: Dungeons and Dragons Online is giving all players an expansion...

Lord of the Rings Online’s Update 40 pack is meant to be an alternative to city questing

The third round of testing for Lord of the Rings Online's Update 40 is underway this week, and players are starting to get a...

Lord of the Rings Online defends its decision to plunge back underground in Update 40

As Lord of the Rings Online players dig into Update 40's current test build, many questions have popped up about the new underground regions...

One Shots: …and that’s how I became hoarse

While you may be completely freaked out when confronting an enemy six times your size, it's important not to show fear. In fact, one...

LOTRO Legendarium: 27 practical benefits of LOTRO’s player housing

There's this ongoing common perception in MMOs like Lord of the Rings Online that player housing is good for one and only one purpose:...

The Daily Grind: What’s the 2024 expansion that has you the most excited?

While the launch dates for upcoming MMORPGs are a tricky and uncertain affair, what's more assured is an array of expansions that are on...

LOTRO continues Update 40 testing with underground side quests and bog-guardian shrinkage

Now that Lord of the Rings Online players have spent a half-year getting to know the alleyways and warrens of Umbar Baharbêl, the studio...

The Stream Team: Searching for Strahd’s story in Dungeons & Dragons Online

Last week, Massively OP's MJ searched for the diary pages of Ireena in DDO's Ravenloft. This time, she's seeking those of Strahd himself! She...

Massively Overthinking: Is there a feature or item in MMORPGs you won’t play without?

I was jolted into a near panic earlier this past weekend when I saw a tweet from Lord of the Rings Online in which...

Perfect Ten: Great MMO April Fools’ Day pranks from back in the day

There are two types of people on April 1st: those who are annoyed and indifferent to the tomfoolery going on all around them, and...

Embracer Group announces plans to split itself into ‘three standalone publicly listed entities’

That's right, friends, Embracer Group is back in the business headlines again. Following the stated end of restructuring efforts, corporate leadership has now decided...

LOTRO Legendarium: Looking back and ahead at LOTRO’s 17th birthday

At the start of Fellowship of the Ring, Bilbo Baggins famously celebrates his 111th birthday (alongside Frodo's own 33rd birthday). He looks back at...
Sometimes you know there's an ongoing story.

Lord of the Rings Online begins testing Update 40’s load balancing changes

Even as Lord of the Rings Online's 17th anniversary gets underway this week, Standing Stone Games is already laying the foundation for the MMO's...

The Daily Grind: Do alternate and classic servers risk alienating existing MMO fans?

Back in December, Guild Wars 2 boss Josh Davis told fans that "alternate servers and hardcore modes aren’t a priority for ArenaNet," as the...

The Stream Team: Looking for lore in DDO’s Ravenloft

Diaries litter Ravenloft. Massively OP's MJ wants to read them... er, clean them up. Who wants stuff strewn around the landscape? Besides, privacy is...

Lord of the Rings Online patches up ahead of tomorrow’s hamster event I mean anniversary event

It looks as though Lord of the Rings Online is closing a small loophole that allowed players to fish out a legendary tracery by...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 465: Remixing Pandaria

Justin and Bree discuss WoW's Mists of Pandaria remix, new progression servers for EverQuest and EverQuest II, WoW Cataclysm Classic pre-patch, Blizzard's return to China, Blizzard's new mystery game, FFXIV's Dawntrail benchmark, Sky Childreon of the Light, Palia layoffs, and the Stop Killing Games game preservation movement, plus adventures in LOTRO.

Dungeons and Dragons Online introduces new loyalty rewards for VIP subbers

Dungeons & Dragons Online is making its subscription more enticing with the introduction of loyalty rewards. According to Standing Stone Games' latest dev blog...

Lord of the Rings Online showcases new mount and hamster pets coming with the 17th anniversary

Lord of the Rings Online players are getting a celebratory hamster pet. That's it. That's the headline. We can all stop reading, and I...